We now have eGIFT CARDS!

Sometimes it's hard to know what to get that special someone in your life or for that special occasion you are celebrating. Hope's Caramels egift cards are a perfect way to celebrate! Click below and send that person in your life a special surprise.

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Our Story

Hope's Caramels began out of a decade of life changes and a sweet tooth. In March 2003, I became a stay-at-home mom; however, I wanted to continue contributing financially to our household. It started with my Graphic Design degree, then morphed into specialty cakes, cookies, and cupcakes.  Then came my A-HA moment . . .

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#sweetlife Spotlight Blog

Our hope for this blog is to highlight facts, information, and agency efforts regarding human trafficking as well as how Hope's Caramels is working to bring the #sweetlife to everyone.