Fundraising FAQ
How do I check out using "Pick Up"?
Log in or checkout as guest. Choose "Pick Up" under Delivery.
Next click which Pickup Location to pickup your order up from.

Enter your payment information, credit card or PayPal.

Type in your address and click Pay now.

How do I check out using "Ship"?
Log in or checkout as guest. Choose "Ship" under Delivery.
Next, type in name and address where you want caramels delivered.

Shipping is by USPS Standard Flat Rate of $9.00. Choose your payment method. Click on "use shipping address as billing address" if you are having your order shipped to your home. Otherwise, you'll need to fill out the billing address portion.
If your order is being mailed to a different address, other than your home address, the billing address will be different. The billing address should match the address where you receive your bills.